UK hosted Online form builder for secure
business grade forms

Build custom Online forms for your business

Use simple on-screen drag & drop to build virtually any type of form for your business or project - everything from job applications, to staff onboarding and product orders.

Creating branded, highly visual and interactive electronic forms is a great solution for collecting information from people via their desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet so removing slow, costly and unreliable paper from your business processes.

With secure UK cloud based hosting and support - our forms are easy to create either by hand or using our new AI form building engine. The system offers numerous ways of making forms available to your target audience including unique link, QR code, mass distribution campaign tool, website iFrame and social media posts.

The smart way to collect information in a paperless environment

Create any type of Online form

From event bookings to job applications & feedback. Create whatever you need, when you need it.

Meet your data collection requirements

Add field level encryption, mandatory fields, signatures & file attachments and a whole lot more.

Attractive, branded form layouts

Apply a theme for logos, house colours & fonts to match your company branding.

Plan & schedule Campaigns

Schedule & send pre-populated unique forms to lists in CSV/xlsx data files.

Requires an internet connection

Requires a live Internet connection to open and submit forms from smartphones, tablets, PCs & laptops.

Secure UK cloud based hosting

Enjoy peace of mind with full GDPR compliance, UK devlopment, hosting & support.

Multiple form output formats

Submitted forms can auto-generate output as PDF, Word, Excel, text, XML & JSON documents.

Advanced option to edit CSS

Create a specific look & feel by editing form CSS as an advanced option.

  •  Integration with OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sharepoint, Power BI, Salesforce & Sage50
  •  Pre-populate form fields from csv data files or using Campaigns feature.
  •  Capture & annotate images at pre-set resolutions.
  •  Use skip logic and show/ hide fields to create intelligent worklows for form respondents.
  •  Define re-usable lists and question sets.
  •  Use mandated and read-only formatted fields to ensure accurate & complete data collection.
  •  Save partially completed forms as a 'draft' list for easy future completion.
  •  Make forms available by unique link, QR code, iframe embedding, campaigns and social media publication.
  •  Create on-screen layouts to present form fields in logical & easy to navigate ways.
  •  Create and apply branding themes to ensure logos, house colours, fonts and other information are visible on forms.
  •  Comprehensive range of form field/ control types for form building.
  •  Wide range of Word/ PDF document formatting capabilities for completed form Layouts e.g. colour coding fields and text based on question answers.
  •  Send automated replies and copies for forms to respondents.

UK form building software for business projects

Typical applications for Online forms

Any business or organisation can build and use Online forms. They require no IT skills or programming knowledge and can be built and updated in minutes using drag & drop. Easy to apply Themes allow company branding to be added along with visual layout options for an attractive and appealing look.

HR & Staffing

A great solution for new starter on-boarding, HMRC Checklist, staff appraisals & holiday request forms.

Training & events

Take course & event bookings, limit applications to availability and automate replies.

Customers & Clients

From product ordering to satisfaction surveys and ISO compliance and more.

Internal communications

Building & equipment condition monitoring & repair requests to departmental data collection.

Market research

Build & issue campaigns using pre-populated forms to increase response rates & data accuracy.

Compliance & reporting

Make accident & incident reporting simple and accessible for everyone.

Who uses our Online forms Plan?
  • • Recruitment agencies
  • • Corporate HR departments
  • • Solicitors & accountants
  • • Construction health & safety teams
  • • Training departments/ teams
  • • Government, education & support agencies
  • • GP surgeries & primary care


Using a custom web form builder without needing specialist IT help

Building Online forms without programming or coding

Most businesses know what data and information is needed to be collected from customers, suppliers and remotely located staff, however the main problem is how to do it cost effectively, securely and with consistency. The other key consideration is being free to try out and refine the data collection process over time without needing to enlist the services of a 3rd party IT supplier.

This where pro-Forms® comes into a class of it's own by giving your business all the tools to be self-sufficient and in control of the whole form building and data collection process.

Intuitive drag & drop interface

Online forms are built in a matter of minutes by dragging pre-built field components such as text box fields, radio buttons, checkboxes and signature fields onto one or more pages of the form being designed.

Having such a comprehensive range of field types means you can easily replicate any existing paper form and even create new forms that until now haven't been possible to produce on paper alone.

Complete control over form fields, content & data validation

Once added to a page, fields can quickly be configured further to tighten the validation and control you have over what exactly users fill in and submit. Fields can be made mandatory, read-only or visible only according to rules you set.

Permissable answer ranges can be applied for numeric and text fields ensuring the highest standards of data are collected at the time of entry thereby requiring no admin staff time to make corrections after receipt of forms.

Range of form publishing, sharing & data integration options

When ready each unique link to your Online forms can be made available using many different methods including sending out by email, embedding in an iframe on websites, publishing on social media accounts or your company intranet.

Export templates can be built in Word, CSV, html and XML onto which submitted data is populated and then sent out from pro-Forms® to other people & systems. Our powerful triggers use industry standard communications methods to send data by email, FTP, SFTP and custom APIs as well as our standard cloud-data connectors.